Monoprinting for stitch – a fun workshop to learn a foundation textile art skill.
Monoprinting for stitch is a fun textiles workshop to learn some easy textile art skills. This will be a seasonal-themed workshop to make a botanical folded book.
Course description
It’s aimed at crafters, patchworkers, quilters and aspiring textile artists. If you’ve not tried Mono-printing, then you’ll not know what you’re missing. But take it from me, it’s a whole heap of fun and it’s much easier than it looks. It’s a great way of creating decorative papers for cardmaking or for use in sketchbooks and your own designs to inspire embroidery and collage. So if you like any form of craft, quilting, or patchwork then why not give it a go?
Firstly, I’ll show you how to make your own mark-making tools and printing blocks using everyday items. Then I’ll demonstrate various mono-printing techniques using the amazing gelatin plates to create colour and pattern on paper or fabric. Gelatin plates pick up subtle textures and marks. Because of that, I love to use ‘found’ objects from nature, such as feathers and leaves. These unique prints will enable you to totally personalize your work.
You will then spend some time creating your own collection of printed materials (papers and/or fabrics). Finally, we’ll look at how colour and pattern can inspire stitch. You can use hand or machine embroidery to further embellish your work. You will piece your materials together to produce a totally unique collage and you’ll see how this technique can be used in cushions, bags or wallhangings/quilts. The theme of this particular day will be to make a folding book, like that pictured above.
This class will free you from having to buy commercial printed papers and fabrics. It will add a whole new dimension to your work. It’s the easiest way to learn how to design your own unique artworks.
Level: All (although hand embroidery, basic sewing machine or free-motion embroidery skills would be an advantage)
Who is this aimed at?
Anyone who enjoys crafting, not just textile art. Monoprinted materials can be used to make book covers, cards, gift labels, wrapping paper and in mixed media art. You don’t need any art or drawing experience.
What will I learn?
- how to make your own print blocks
- what papers and fabrics can be printed on
- what you can use as a print plate
- how to assemble your prints into collaged picture or a folding book
Course arrangements
When you come to Mono-printing for Stitch and see how easy and fun it is to make your own gorgeous collage materials, you won’t want to buy commercially-printed paper or fabric ever again.
All the printing equipment is provided but I’ll advise the paper/fabric requirements when you book.
For inspiration, why not take a look at this website of one of my favourite textile artists. Hilary Beattie often uses monoprinting techniques in her work.
If you’re interested in this workshop, then you’ll also enjoy Paper Fabric.
Bookings are closed for this event.