Sewing in zips can be tricky and is a constant source of stress for home dressmakers. Many people avoid them altogether. But with most skirts, trousers and dress styles requiring a zip, don’t avoid them any longer. They’re easy when you know how.
This short afternoon session will show you how to sew in a standard skirt/dress zip using the lapped method. In addition, I’ll demonstrate how to sew in a concealed zip (sometimes known as an invisible zip). This technique is definitely one to know as it gives such a professional finish to garments; you’d never know there was a zip there at all.
You’ll be able to follow both techniques, step-by-step, and master these essential garment-construction skills – finally!
All materials and zips included.
Artisan Stitch holds a Certificate of Excellence, won the Best Sewing classes in Edinburgh award in 2019. In 2020 they won the UK Enterprise award for Best Sewing Classes and in 2021 won the Global award for Best Private Sewing Education Tuition award and the Most Outstanding Sewing Classes by Corporate Vision business awards.
Bookings are closed for this event.