My schedule of Autumn-Winter sewing classes is here, covering October and November. These include some more of my popular ‘Essential Skills’ classes, now re-named ‘Beginners’ Sewing Skills’. This covers basic sewing tasks like sewing straight seams and how to finish off the raw edges, taking up hems, making neat machined buttonholes, and inserting zips.
No programme of Autmn-Winter sewing classes is complete unless there’s something for the kiddies too. So there’s also a special one-off sewing class for children provided they bring an adult along too!
And if you’re thinking of a new party dress for Christmas, the upcoming Dressmaking course is for 8 weeks running up to the end of November. Then I’ll some fun Christmas-themed classes in December to make gifts and decorations. I may try to cram in a few of those in November too so do watch for further news of seasonal-themed sewing classes.
If your home needs a facelift for the Festive season, why not make a few new cushions? I’ve a 3 hour Easy Envelope Cushion class; suitable for first-time sewing projects, or a full-day Cushion Masterclass for truly professional zipped and piped cushions. Why not combine this with ‘Rags to Riches’ creative embroidery and make a sumptuous looking textile for your cushion front, or make an Applique picture for your cushion, or to use as a wallhanging?