Rags to Riches


Friday 04/02/2022, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


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Rags to Riches – Learn how to make unique new fabrics from scraps – the ultimate upcycling workshop!

Course Description

Rags to riches is a real stash-busting workshop. Find out how to use up all those fabric scraps and make them into unique new fabrics. Bring any pieces of fabrics  and trims you have; the glitzier, the better.

We will:
• repurpose old clothing, household textiles, and scraps of trimmings,
• use the utility stitches of a basic sewing machine for decorative effects.
• use free-motion embroidery to make a gorgeous quilted fabric
• gain ideas how you can use your new fabrics as cushion panels, evening bags, book covers or even for clothing.

The fabrics also make lovely cards, jewellery or to cover gift boxes.  If you have any scraps of fabrics, ribbons, trims, or old clothes you’d like to use, then please bring them along. Small colourful print patterns work well, as do satins, velvets, lace and brocade to add a touch of luxury. These techniques are perfect for creating a ‘memory quilt’ or a ‘memory cushion’ so you could bring along old clothing from your children or another family member. Or Grandma’s old household linens?

Who is Rags to Riches aimed at?

Level: Improvers. Anyone who can use a sewing machine (wind bobbins and thread up).  No art training is required, although free-motion embroidery experience is useful.

What will I learn?

Rags to Riches is a ‘techniques’-based workshop. You will learn two different ways to make new fabrics.  I’ll show you examples of items I’ve made using these fabrics but we won’t actually be making a finished item on the day.  If you’d like to learn how to make an evening bag with your new fabric, then why not take the ‘Rags to Bags’ workshop instead?

Free-Motion embroidery is required for the second technique. If you’ve not tried this before, then you may want to take the Free-Motion Embroidery workshop first?

Course arrangements

Materials and equipment are provided, included sewing machines. But if you’ve got a bag of fabric offcuts and trims, then please bring them for a more personal result,

If you’d prefer to use your own sewing machine, then please remember the power cable/foot control, instruction manual, and accessories. You don’t need to have a ‘fancy’ machine.  Interesting and varied effects can be achieved by using basic utility stitches. Free-Motion embroidery is required for the second technique so you will also need a darning foot.

There will be a lunch break during the day.

Useful links:

If you need a darning foot or other accessories for your sewing machine, then I recommend Pembertons sewing machine centre. 


Friday 04/02/2022    
10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Artisan Stitch ( St Margaret's House)
Studio 6.03A St Margaret's House, 151 London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6AE
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